Brand Ambassador of the Month-March

Brand Ambassador of the Month-March

Brand Ambassador of the Month-March
March Brand Ambassador of the Month!

We are so excited to learn a little more about our featured Brand Ambassador @mommy_craftsandlaughs. Candice is a mother of 2 and a Kindergarten Teacher! She loves to create mom hacks and fun, engaging activities for her children at home!

Follow: @mommy_craftsandlaughs



Q: Tell us a little about yourself! What is the inspiration behind your Instagram page?


A: I started my Instagram page during the onset of the pandemic, which actually coincided with my maternity leave. My two-year-old was getting a little antsy at home and even my youngest was showing signs of wanting to play and learn through sensory activities, so I decided to share some of the educational set-ups I was doing with them online. As a Kindergarten teacher, I had a few ideas already, but I actually learned a lot by following other Instagram accounts. Now I not only get a lot of inspiration from fellow parents, but also other teachers that I have met on Instagram.


Q: We have loved seeing your page grow, and all the amazing projects and activities you share, and we learn so much as you incorporate play based learning into your posts! What inspired you to want to be a Brand Ambassador?


A: I was initially attracted to your brand when I saw your amazing Kwik Stix paint sticks. I was very wary of painting with my two year old at the time so these paint sticks were the perfect alternative. Because I had so many followers with young toddlers like myself, I knew I wouldn’t be alone. As much as I love a good sensory set- up, I will always do whatever it takes to create the least amount of mess in my home. 

Q: What is your favorite product of ours that you have tried so far?  Can you tell us more about why you love this product, and if you have any tips or tricks when using it or favorite techniques? Is there anything in particular that has helped you blend creativity, play, and learning together with your children and any advice you can provide to others?
A: While I am obviously a huge fan of the Kwik Stix, it has been fun discovering the other products that you have to offer too and I am especially thrilled with the Wonder Stix markers that never roll off the table. Believe me, this is a godsend at restaurants because no one wants to crawl under that those dirty tables and retrieve lost markers or crayons. We bring them everywhere with us because they are in such a handy carrying case and the fact that they don’t dry out even if you leave the cap off for seven days is amazing to me. I’ll be honest, I haven’t been brave enough to test this out, but it makes me feel completely confident, allowing both my two and four-year-old to use them. My daughter has recently become obsessed with colouring so we pull them out probably every second day. 
Q: We love that you incorporate amazing videos of your activities on your page! What is one of your favorite projects you have created using our products? There have been so many great posts you have made, and we want to know which stands out to you! 
A: I really enjoyed making the DIY play dough mat because it combined my love of the paint sticks and my daughter’s love of play dough. My kids probably revisited that activity three or four times that week.  We also get a ton of packages so it’s nice to be able to use those cardboard boxes for some thing and the Kwik Stix work so perfectly when it comes to writing and drawing directly on the boxes. 


Q: What’s next for you? Do you have any exciting crafts or activities planned for the months ahead?!


A: I am both a full-time Kindergarten teacher as well as a Mom of 2, so honestly - I am always on the lookout for new crafts and activities. My mind is constantly racing with potential ideas and different ways to do things based on the needs in my classroom or simply what my kids are asking for that week. I personally love seasonal crafts and it’s always exciting to see what new holiday-themed ideas will pop up next. Honestly, I’m already thinking about Halloween crafts and it’s only March. 
Check out crafts and activities by @mommy_craftsandlaughs

Conversation Hearts

Valentine's Activity

Cereal Drop

Painted Egg Carton

Pumpkin Painting