Celebrate National Children's Day with these Fun and Easy Crafts!

Celebrate National Children's Day with these Fun and Easy Crafts!

Celebrate this special day with your children by sitting down and creating fun and easy crafts! This is the perfect way to spend time with your children while exploring creativity! Here are some fun, simple crafts! 



Paint Your Own Rainbow

Materials Needed: Cardboard, Kwik Stix Paint

  1. Start by cutting a "U" shape out of cardboard
  2. Paint with Kwik Stix 


Color a Playmat

Materials Needed: Set of 4 Playmats, Wonder Stix

  1. Draw and color on playmats with Wonder Stix
  2. Create a game such as tic tac toe to play with your child!


Kwik Stix Stars

Materials Needed: Earth Tone Kwik Stix, Wooden Stars

  1. Purchase wooden craft stars
  2. Paint with Kwik Stix Earth Tones 
  3. Glue stars to poster board to create your own picture! (optional) 


String Gnomes

Materials Needed: Magic Stix, cardboard, cotton balls, string, shredded paper

  1. Cut out triangular pieces of cardboard
  2. Color each triangle with Magic Stix
  3. Glue on shredded paper and glue to the bottom of the triangle
  4. Glue one cotton ball to where the paper and bottom of the triangle meet
  5. Poke holes through each point of the triangle 
  6. String through each gnome! 

 Check out this craft on Instagram @kwikstixpaint

Be Kind Poster

Materials Needed: construction paper, Global Skin Tone Kwik Stix, googly eyes, poster board

  1. Cut out brown construction paper into circles
  2. Paint each circle with Kwik Stix in a different shade
  3. Wait only 90 seconds for the paint to dry!
  4. Glue on googly eyes to each circle 
  5. Draw a nose and mouth onto each one! 
  6. Glue them all onto the poster board creating a line of people! 
  7. Spread the message to be kind!

Check out this craft on Instagram @playfulcrafts


Colorful Poster Board

Materials Needed: Poster Board, Kwik Stix Paint

  1. Color and Paint with Kwik Stix
  2. Be Creative
  3. Hang up to display!
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