DIY Mother's Day Flower Pot
Written and Created by: Jaclyn Ryan

For Mother’s Day, homemade gifts are truly the way to any mom’s heart. Personally, my favorite gifts are the perfectly imperfect homemade gifts that my children have made me over the years. They bring a smile to my face every time I look at them!
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, now is a great time to make a handmade gift every mom in your life would enjoy!
This homemade flower pot version is super simple and uses just a few materials. No need to run to the garden store for real flowers, this craft can easily be completed at home! The best part of all, is that children of all ages - from preschool aged on up - can easily complete this craft with a little bit of help from an adult.
So grab your Kwik Stix Pastel Colors, some basic craft supplies and your kids and get them involved in the process.

Step 1:
Gather your materials. We encourage you to use materials you already have on hand, or what you have in the recycling bin!
**Before you begin, cut a simple flower pot out of cardboard (young kids will need an adult’s help with this).**
Step 2:
Trace the outline of your flower petal onto white cardstock with a pencil. You can either freehand draw this, or find a template with a simple google search.
Step 3:
Once you have your flower petals drawn, cut them out and lay them all down in front of you. You can make different shapes for the flower petals - use your imagination as there is no truly no right or wrong way to do this!
Decorate your flower petals! We love using Kwik Stix for this type of craft because they are easy for little hands to grip, and as a bonus, the colors dry quickly! This makes them a super simple tool to use with young children and a frustration-free way to craft with them.
Step 5:
Arrange your flower petals however you wish. Visualize what you want your flower pot to look like.
Start gluing! We used a low temp hot glue gun for this, but you can use any craft glue you have available. We used pipe cleaners and craft sticks for the flower stems, and adhered them to the cardboard flower pot.
Add some finishing touches. We outlined our flower pot with some sparkly pipe cleaners. Any craft materials you have on hand would work well with this craft. Pipe cleaners, pom poms and gems work well, but be creative and use your imagination.
We cut out a “MOM” from the felt that we had on hand. This is totally optional but does add a little personal touch to the flower pot!
When your flower pot is complete, go ahead and make the mom in your life’s day by gifting her this lovely homemade flower pot. It is easy to create, doesn’t require much in the way of materials and is a lovely way to show her how much you care and appreciate her. Enjoy!