Easy at Home Crafts!

Easy at Home Crafts!
Perfect at home crafts that are mess free and fun to make! Scroll for step by step instructions and click on the image to be taken to the creators Instagram page. 


Materials Needed: Construction Paper, Googly Eyes, Scissors, Kwik Stix, Toilet Paper Rolls & Pipe Cleaners.  

1. Cut out wings from construction paper. 

2. Color in the wings and the toilet paper roll with Kwik Stix. 

3. Glue the roll onto the wings. Then glue googly eyes onto the roll for the eyes.

4. Glue pipe cleaners for antennas.     

Pot of Gold Door Décor 

Materials Needed: Cardboard, Scissors, Kwik Stix & Glue

1. Cut out a rainbow shape (half circle), pot of gold and coins from cardboard.

2. Color in each piece. The half circle in rainbow colors, the pot and coins as shown above. 

3. Glue the pieces together. 

4. Write your name on the coins. 

Butterfly Wings

Materials Needed: Cardboard, Scissors & Jumbo Kwik Stix

1. Cut out butterfly wings from cardboard. 

2. Color in with Kwik Stix. 

3. Attach string or a thicker yarn to the back to use as straps. 

Math Activity

Materials Needed: Paper & Magic Stix

1. Draw a cloud on a piece of paper.

2. Put numbers in the cloud from 1- 6 and assign a color to each number. 

3. Draw raindrops under the cloud and put math equations in each one. 

4. Answer each math equation, and color the raindrop with the correct color assigned to that number.   

Dino Threading

Materials Needed: Cardboard, Yarn & Wonder Stix 

1. Draw a dinosaur on cardboard. Cut out a circle from the center. 

2. Punch holes around the center. 

3. Color with Wonder Stix.

4. Thread yarn and lace away!  

Wood Numbers

Materials Needed: Wood Numbers & Magic Stix

1. Color in the numbers with Magic Stix.

2. Use for learning activities! 


Materials Needed: Construction Paper, Scissors, Kwik Stix/Magic Stix, Glue, Paper, Toilet Paper Roll

1. Cut out a circle from construction paper with ears for face. Also, cut out a heart shape and arms for the body.  

2. Color in the face with Kwik Stix & Magic Stix. 

3. Color in the toilet paper roll, heart and arms. 

4. Glue the arms and heart onto the toilet paper roll. Glue the face on top of the roll. Now you have a tiger! 

Pin the Sun

Materials Needed: Cardboard, Scissors, Kwik Stix/Magic Stix, Clothespins, Glue & Paper

1. Cut out a circle from cardboard.

2. Color in with yellow Kwik Stix. Also, color in clothespins. 

3. Cut out smaller circles from paper for the cheeks and eyes. 

4. Color those in with the appropriate colors.

5. Glue on the face.  

5. Pin the clothespins to make a sun, great for fine motor skills development! 

Kids Wall

Materials Needed: Paper, Kwik Stix/Magic Stix, Paint Tape & Stickers

1. Tape paper to the wall.

2. Use Kwik Stix or Magic Stix and let your imagination run wild!   


Materials Needed: Cardboard, Googly Eyes, Kwik Stix, Scissors & Gems 

1. Cut out cardboard in shape of dinosaur as shown above, and 2 "U" shapes for the legs 

2. Color in with Kwik Stix 

3. Put the dinosaur together and glue on google eyes and gems  

Cardboard Roll Giraffe

Materials Needed: Paper towel rolls, toilet rolls, Kwik Stix, Glue, Straws & Pom Poms (optional)   

1. Paint 2 paper towel rolls yellow and 3 toilet rolls yellow

2. Color in with Kwik Stix Paint 

3. Put the pieces together using glue or a hot glue gun. The long paper towel rolls for the neck and the body. The smaller toilet paper rolls for the 2 legs and the head.

4. Draw on the face and glue two straws with pom poms on top of the head

Colorful Corn

Materials Needed: Construction Paper, Kwik Stix, Scissors & Glue 

1. Cut out the shapes needed from construction paper (3 pieces) 

2. Glue the pieces together as shown above

3. Color in with Kwik Stix. Using multiple colors to create the kernels.  

Stacking Penguins

Materials Needed: Paper Cups, Paper/Cardboard, Kwik Stix, Googly Eyes, Scissors & Glue 

1. Color in paper cup leaving room for the face

2. Cut out feet from paper or cardboard and glue to the cup

3. Glue on googly eyes and use whatever you'd like or the beak    

Lion Plate

Materials Needed: Paper Plates, Googly Eyes, Kwik Stix & Scissors 

1. Color in the plate with Kwik Stix

2. Place googly eyes on and draw the lions face

3. Use scissors to cut slits around the edges of both plates to make the lion’s mane

Dream Catchers

Materials Needed: Paper Plates, Yarn, Kwik Stix, Scissors, & Beads 

1. Cut out a circle from the middle of the plates

2. Punch holes around the big hole in the center

3. Tie string through the holes making a web (shown above)

4. Color in with Kwik Stix

5. Attach string with beads on the bottom 

Newspaper Fox

Materials Needed: Newspaper, Kwik Stix & Pom Pom

1. Cut out shapes from the newspaper: oval, ears, semi-circle body, triangular ears, feet, tail

2. Glue or tape all the pieces together 

3. Color in with Kwik Stix

4. Optional: add pom poms for the nose and eyes

Tic Tac Toe

Materials Needed: Wonder Stix & black board

1. The Wonder Stix Playmat is perfect for games and easily wipe away to use over and over again! 

Foil Art

Materials Needed: Aluminum Foil, Tray & Kwik Stix

1. Tape aluminum foil down to a tray or table

2. Grab your Kwik Stix and create!

Rainbow Fish

Materials Needed: Tinfoil, Kwik Stix, Marker, Cardboard & Scissors

1. Cut out the shape of a fish from cardboard

2. Wrap the fish in tinfoil

3. Use a permanent marker to draw the scales and face on the fish

4.  Color in the fish with your Kwik Stix

Tape Resist Canvas

Materials Needed: Canvas/Paper, Painter's Tape & Wonder Stix 

1. Place tape on the canvas in any pattern you'd like

2. Color in with Wonder Stix (or Kwik Stix)

3. Peel off tape to reveal your masterpiece!

Rainbow Stack

Materials Needed: Cardboard, Kwik Stix & Scissors

1. Cut out 6 semicircles of graduate sizes from the cardboard 

2. Color in each piece with Kwik Stix, with the biggest being red and smallest purple

3. Put the rainbow together to create your own stack puzzle


Materials Needed: Paper Plate, Kwik Stix & Scissors

1. Cut out a hole in the center of the plate

2. Color in with Kwik Stix

3. Add any design and decorations of your choice! 


Materials Needed: Popsicle sticks, Tape & Kwik Stix

1. Lay the popsicles flat and tape them together to keep them from sliding

2. Draw and color in with Kwik Stix 

3. Take off the tape and mix the popsicle sticks around 

4. Put the puzzle back together!  

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