Here are some wonderful crafts to bring holiday cheer to your family and friends! Great for all ages and super fun and easy to create!

Tree Lanterns

Materials Needed: Tea lights, Hole Punch, Scissors, Card Stock, Tape & Kwik Stix
1. Color in the card stock with Kwik Stix
2. Cut out into triangles and punch holes into them
3. Tape the triangles together, there should be 4 sides total (pyramid shape)
4. Put over the tea lights
Funky Sweater

Materials Needed: Paper, Kwik Stix & Scissors
1. Draw the shape of a sweater on paper
2. Color in with Kwik Stix
3. Cut out the sweater
4. Decorate however you'd like!
Stockings & Fireplace

Materials Needed: Upcycled Cardboard from packages, Scissors, Wonder Stix, Tape, Magnet Tiles (optional)
1. Cut out cardboard into shapes of stockings and border for fireplace
2. Color in with Wonder Stix
3. Tape together

Materials Needed: Paper & Kwik Stix
1. Draw 4 "U" shapes shown above and put a line through the center
2. Draw candles on the ends and use a yellow Kwik Stix to color in the candle for each day!
Christmas Trees

Materials Needed: Paper Plates, Popsicle Sticks, Kwik Stix, Pipe Cleaners
1. Cut out triangles from the paper plates
2. Color in with your Kwik Stix
3. Glue them together & add popsicle stick
4. Design however you'd like!

Materials Needed: Construction Paper, Scissors & Kwik Stix
1. Cut out pieces for snowman
2. Glue the snowman together onto construction paper
3. Color in the snowman and background with Kwik Stix
Grinch Mask

Materials Needed: Cardboard, Scissors, Kwik Stix & Glue
1. Cut out cardboard in the shapes that you need for the face and hat (you can trace them from images online)
2. Color in the cardboard with Kwik Stix
3. Glue the pieces together
4. Glue a stick on the back of the mask to hold up

Materials Needed: Paper, Kwik Stix, Scissors, Tape & Yarn
1. Draw the outline of mittens on a piece of paper
2. Color them in with Kwik Stix
3. Cut out the mittens
4. Tape yarn to the back of the mittens