We are excited to feature our December Brand Ambassador of the Month, twotolove_bairantwins! AJ gives us a look into her life of crafts and learning with her twins. Read below to find out more about her and see her amazing crafts!
Q: Tell us a little about yourself! What is the inspiration behind your Instagram page?
I'm an Engineer by profession and previously worked as Software Engineer for an IT company. Now, I'm a SAHM. I started our page to document our learning journey and was also for our family overseas to keep them updated of what my boys have been up to. However, it turned out to be so much more and has also given me an outlet for my creativity.
Q: It has been so great seeing your page grow! Your projects are so creative and incorporate learning in them, which is fantastic! What inspired you to want to be a Brand Ambassador?
Painting is one of our "go-to" activities. Though I encourage messy play, it sometimes really gets messy especially when you paint multiple times a day. So when I learned about the tempera paint sticks, I knew instantly these would be perfect for my kids and will cut down the mess during our activities.
Q: What is your favorite product of ours that you have tried? We would love to hear more about why you love this product, and if you have any tips or tricks when using it? Is there anything in particular that has helped you in incorporating math, science and art together?
We love Kwix Stix Tempera Paint Sticks. The colors are so bright, it dries quickly, and the size is perfect for those little hands. Making every activities colorful really works for us. There's just something about a rainbow of colors that always grabs my little ones' interests.
Q: What is one of your favorite projects you have created using our products? There are so many wonderful ones you have posted, and we want to know which creation stands out to you!
The Halloween Tape Resist Art is one of my favorite projects that we created using Kwix Stix Tempera Paint Sticks.
Q: What’s next for you? With the new year quickly approaching, do you have any crafts or activities planned for the remainder of 2021 and into the New Year?
Yes, we have some crafts planned for the remainder of 2021. We are always inspired by the changing seasons and holidays so expect more themed learning activities and crafts from our page. I'm also planning to create more free PDF printable templates for our followers next year.
Click on the images below to be brought to @twotolove__bairantwins full post to see how these crafts were created!